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How To Find a Physiotherapist for an Elderly Person?

How To Find a Physiotherapist for an Elderly Person?

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Where Can I Find a Physiotherapist for an Elderly Person? There is strong evidence that physiotherapy improves outcomes for the aged population, particularly in the cases of stroke, falls, fractures, and frailty. With an ageing population in India, physiotherapists play a significant role in the improvement, maintenance, and promotion of health for the elderly. Co-morbidities affect the daily lives of elderly individuals. The advantages of physiotherapist-led fitness programmes in the community are widely recognised and have been thoroughly explored.

Why Would a Senior Citizen Need a Physiotherapist?

Specialists in musculoskeletal, neurologic, orthopaedic, cardiovascular, and geriatric disorders make up the field of elderly physiotherapy. They address issues such as fractures, arthritis, falls, stiffness, limited mobility, and chronic discomfort. The following list of causes for an aged patient's potential requirement for physiotherapy:

First of all, as you age, your muscles lose some of their elasticity, which means they don't recover from stretching or contracting as rapidly. This can result in reduced joint mobility and flexibility, making it difficult to do daily tasks such as getting in and out of bed, climbing stairs, or reaching for things on high shelves.

Second, as you become older, your bones lose density and strength while also retaining more fat. This can result in osteoporosis, which occurs when the bone becomes weak and brittle. Osteoporosis can cause fractures, which necessitate surgery, restricting mobility and increasing the need for caregivers.

Thirdly, senior people are more vulnerable to pulmonary and cardiovascular conditions, which can significantly affect their stamina, confidence, and capacity for independent living.


What are the conditions that Elderly Physiotherapists can treat?

Physiotherapy has been found to increase elderly function and quality of life. Elderly physiotherapy can assist with a wide range of issues, including:

1. Musculoskeletal issues include arthritis and back discomfort
2. Neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis
3. Environmental issues that may compromise safety and cause falls
4. Psychological issues such as sadness, anxiety, or low self-esteem
5. Orthopaedic issues such as fractures and joint replacement surgeries
6. Long-term diseases such as diabetes and cancer that impair stamina and mobility
7. Aging-related loss of balance and stability
8. Dementia and its influence on independent life
9. Medical disorders such as pulmonary and cardiac rehabilitation

Benefits of Physiotherapy for the Elderly

As the population ages, it is more important than ever to locate a physiotherapist who has expertise treating senior people. The following are the advantages of physiotherapy for the elderly:

● Reducing muscular stiffness: Because of their diminished flexibility, elderly people may have trouble moving their muscles. This might make it difficult to do exercises correctly, which can lead to muscle stiffness and soreness, further limiting mobility.

● Improving flexibility: Muscles lose their ability to move easily and lengthen as they stiffen. This can result in joint mobility, balance, and coordination issues. Physiotherapists can create workout regimens to successfully address these issues.

● Increasing energy levels: Because of age-related ailments and decreased circulation, elderly individuals frequently have low energy levels. This lowers endurance, making it harder to live an active life and leading to sedentary behaviour. Physiotherapy can enhance exercise tolerance and capacity to engage in physically demanding activities.

● Treating chronic pain: Because of weakened senses, degenerative illnesses such as arthritis, and other factors, elderly persons have lower pain thresholds. Physiotherapists can help with chronic pain management, which can improve mobility and function.

● Balance and stability: A number of issues, including diminished sensibility, polypharmacy, weakened muscles, and poor postural control, have an impact on balance and stability. Physiotherapists are experienced in identifying stability problems and treating them by recommending balancing exercises to enhance stability and balance.

● Injury prevention: Physiotherapists may evaluate environmental concerns and recommend adjustments to make the environment safe for the elderly, therefore minimising the chance of falls and fractures. Along with raising awareness of the hazards, they may also offer instruction in how to employ the proper equipment to help with everyday chores.

● Maintaining independent living: A number of factors might impair an older person's capacity to live freely. The capacity to live independently is substantially improved by physiotherapists' work on muscular strength, flexibility, endurance, pain reduction, confidence development, and the use of suitable walking aids. After being released from the hospital, prompt physiotherapy treatment shortens the time it takes for an illness or accident to heal, saving money on pricey care packages.

● Enhances mood and improves wellbeing: Improving cognition and mood in senior people with dementia and other chronic illnesses is one of the advantages of exercise.


By creating individualized exercise programmes that are appropriate for each person, elderly physiotherapy improves quality of life and lowers the chance of losing independence. If you're looking for a skilled Surrey rehab physiotherapist to assist an old person with their rehabilitation, Sunny Nursing Services has a team of physiotherapists with years of expertise that specialised in senior care and rehabilitation. Inquire about expertise treating older people in both care facilities and the home environment, regardless of the provider you pick. Make an appointment for a meeting with your selected provider to go through your unique requirements.

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